Showing 201 - 225 of 511 Results
Memorial of John Harvard: The Gift to Harvard University of Samuel James Bridge. Ceremonies ... by University, Harvard, George... ISBN: 9781354777282 List Price: $19.95
Sketches of Bunker Hill Battle and Monument: With Illustrative Documents by Ellis, George Edward, Georg... ISBN: 9781355292708 List Price: $23.95
The Opening, the Use, and the Future of Our Domain on This Continent. an Address Delivered B... by Society, New-York Historica... ISBN: 9781355550006 List Price: $19.95
March 17th, 1876. Celebration of the Centennial Anniversary of the Evacuation of Boston by t... by Ellis, George Edward, Bosto... ISBN: 9781355919964 List Price: $24.95
Life And Religion Of The Hindoos: With A Sketch Of My Life And Experience by Gangooly, Joguth Chunder, G... ISBN: 9781342892065 List Price: $26.95
March 17th, 1876: Celebration Of The Centennial Anniversary Of The Evacuation Of Boston By T... by (Mass ), Boston, George Edw... ISBN: 9781342939562 List Price: $24.95
Makers Of American History: William Penn by Ellis, George Edward, Willi... ISBN: 9781342952066 List Price: $26.95
The Aims And Purposes Of The Founders Of Massachusetts: Ii. Their Treatment Of Intruders And... by Ellis, George Edward, Massa... ISBN: 9781343434721 List Price: $22.95
An Address Delivered At The Consecration Of The Woodlawn Cemetery: In Chelsea And Malden. On... by Ellis, George Edward, Georg... ISBN: 9781343097841 List Price: $19.95
Life of Rev. John Wesley Childs: for twenty-three years an itinerant Methodist minister - Sc... by John Ellis Edwards, George ... ISBN: 9781298434081 List Price: $28.75
Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, with notices of his daughter Volume 1 by George Edward Ellis ISBN: 9781230095943 List Price: $22.40
"The Preservation Of The States United" by George Edward Ellis ISBN: 9781432816889 List Price: $24.00
Extracts from a History of the Massachusetts General Hospital, 1810-1851 - Primary Source Ed... by Bowditch, Nathaniel Ingerso... ISBN: 9781294456773 List Price: $19.75
Memoir of Sir Benjamin Thompson, Count Rumford, with Notices of His Daughter - Primary Sourc... by Ellis, George Edward, Ameri... ISBN: 9781295387489 List Price: $35.75
Red Man and the White Man in North America from Its Discovery to the Present Time by Ellis, George Edward 1814-1894 ISBN: 9781372063985 List Price: $32.95
Red Man and the White Man in North America from Its Discovery to the Present Time by Ellis, George Edward 1814-1894 ISBN: 9781372063978 List Price: $23.95
Red Man and the White Man in North America, from Its Discovery to the Present Time by Ellis, George Edward 1814-1894 ISBN: 9781372065323 List Price: $23.95
Red Man and the White Man in North America, from Its Discovery to the Present Time by Ellis, George Edward 1814-1894 ISBN: 9781372065378 List Price: $32.95
Makers of American History by Ellis, George Edward 1814-1... ISBN: 9781372725197 List Price: $17.95
Makers of American History : William Penn by Ellis, George Edward 1814-1... ISBN: 9781372725203 List Price: $27.95
Letters upon the Annexation of Texas, Addressed to Hon. John Quincy Adams, As Originally Pub... by Ellis, George Edward 1814-1894 ISBN: 9781372742118 List Price: $10.95
Letters upon the Annexation of Texas, Addressed to Hon. John Quincy Adams, As Originally Pub... by Ellis, George Edward 1814-1894 ISBN: 9781372742125 List Price: $21.95
New America and the Far East; Volume 8 by Browne, George Waldo 1851-1... ISBN: 9781373109989 List Price: $15.95
New America and the Far East; Volume 8 by Browne, George Waldo 1851-1... ISBN: 9781373110046 List Price: $25.95
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